Category: One Foot In Front Of The Other…

One Foot In Front Of The Other...

Announcing: a little bit of change…

January 6, 2015

Here we are, already on the sixth day of 2015, and an hour ago I sat down to write my next blog post.  I have been pondering for the better part of that hour, what the hell do I have to say about running right now?  It suddenly dawned on me that pigeon-holing this blog as a ‘running only’ one is, well, dumb!  It’s creatively limiting and to be honest I have so much I want to say and share about many other things in life, which of course include running, that perhaps opening it up a little might be quite a lot of fun.


One Foot In Front Of The Other...

That’s why I run….

October 21, 2014

The challenge was accepted for the Spar Ladies 10 km race by my intrepid running sisters, Cath, Cand and Karen..  What fun we had!  But can I tell you my favourite part of the whole thing??  I ran it all alone….  We each did….  Now that might sound strange, “why was running all by yourself the best part?”…


One Foot In Front Of The Other...

Are you up for the challenge?

September 2, 2014

Today marked the 4th week since saying bye-bye to my appendix… It also marked the 1st week of saying hello to training again… With slight trepidation, and a real urge to rather have a glass of wine on the patio, I went for a jog and was so super excited to enjoy it!  Starting off slow my chest burned, my knees ached, my boobs bounced (well they always bloody do that actually!) but despite all this uncomfortableness, I found myself grinning from ear to ear the whole way.  It felt so good to exercise again, sun on my face, wind in my hair etc etc – the normal clichés blah blah blah, but seriously I really enjoyed it.  I really do count myself lucky to enjoy running!


One Foot In Front Of The Other...

The lining around my appendix has been silver..

August 15, 2014

Only a week after starting up my lil’ol blog again, I have experienced a little snag in the running, and thus writing, works…  The snag being a silly little organ called an appendix – which has no use to us now but which my google-loving husband tells me was once used to help us digest tree bark we ate many many millennia ago. It reared its tiny head and decided to get a bit agitated! Long story short, it had to come out!  So, one appedisectomy later, I am now a little immobile and unable to run for approximately three whole weeks, yikes!
