Author: mfBCAdmin

Articles & Opinion Pieces

The Power of Storytelling

June 20, 2017

We all remember the stories we’ve heard as children, right?  Hansel and Gretel or Jack and the Beanstalk perhaps.  The reason for remembering stories, so many moons after you’ve heard them, is because storytelling is powerful – stories stick with us because they make us feel something, they evoke emotion.


Articles & Opinion Pieces

How to create a website supercar for your business

April 3, 2017

Are you losing the online race to your competitors, and finding your company ranks lower than your competitors on Google? An effective SEO strategy can pimp your business’ ride.

Being relatively new the concept of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), I decided to pick the brains of the experts at Algorithm, the SEO performance agency to help me understand how writing for SEO would help companies be seen first by prospective customers.


Social Media

Does your business really need Social Media in 2017?

March 22, 2017
Does your business really need Social Media in 2017?

I was sitting in front of a new client today and he asked me what exactly I do. When I explained that I write freelance and manage people’s social media campaigns, he looked at me quizzically and said, “When I was in school, your job didn’t even exist!” And he was absolutely correct!

According to UCT’s partner, GetSmarter, the internet in its original form, started in 1990, was established strictly as an academic and educational platform. However with the e-commerce explosion and the rise of search engines, social media was developed and became a product in itself.


Articles & Opinion Pieces

I am an Entrepreneur, um I think?

I am an Entrepreneur, um I think?

I took the plunge and decided to be an “entrepreneur”.

Initially I was quite uncomfortable with the word, because honestly what does it mean really? I chose the path of ‘technical unemployment’ because I had an overwhelming need to get back to my creative roots and start writing again.  I haven’t written properly in years, I was feeling disconnected and uninspired. I knew my soul needed to write, to create, to discuss, and I knew I needed it now. (more…)