A few of my favourite things… part 3
January 2, 2016

First off, let me say Happy Happy Happy New Year dear reader… I wish love, luck, life and lots of living of it to you and yours this year. Don’t forget to travel, try new things, stop being grumpy and as Goldie Hawn’s always says “Why Not!!!” – so just do it!
This is the last installment in my favourite things series – I have really enjoyed putting it together. Next year will be bigger and better I promise. My last favourite thing for 2015 is courtesy of Woolworths in the form of the biggest, brightest and most fun calender/day planner I could find.. I love a good fridge calendar and usually I go with the free options from some or other magazine. This year I decided to buy one and found my match whilst grocery shopping last week.
It’s bright and cheerful and takes centre stage on my fridge. Large enough to have space to write birthdays, reminders, to-do’s and more with a notes section to the left for anything you might need to remember.
This will be the last blog on this site and as from my next post, One Foot in Front of the Other will be at it’s new home at WordPress – keep an eye out for it.
#onefootonfrontoftheotherblog #someofmyfavouritethings @woolworths_sa