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One Foot In Front Of The Other...

A few of my favourite things… part 2

December 30, 2015

So thanks to my good friend, Michele May, I was introduced to a little delicious gem of a shooter this Christmas..  I am not really a shooter kind of girl but this one is yummy, easy-drinking, sweet and delicious, and not too strong – so just perfect really.

My sister, Yvonne, made it on Christmas Day as well and it was a huge hit!  The recipe is as follows and she has named it The Milk Tart:

In a jug mix:
300ml Vodka
1 tin of condensed milk
1 tin (big one) of evaporated milk

Pour out into shooter glasses and top each one with a sprinkle of cinnamon!  Amazing.

#onefootinfrontoftheotherblog #someofmyfavouritethings #decemberholidays2015 @imorossam

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